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Carefully curated op-ed features exploring a range of perspectives across topics of leadership, diversity, education and work culture.

Education for Liberation – Rekindling South Africa’s Vision

The constitutional right to a basic and adult education in South Africa is one of the hallmarks of the country’s nascent democracy. Given the pre-1994 struggle for freedom, the right to education has come to be widely embraced as one of the cornerstones on which the newly-founded democratic society would be built.

4 Myths About In-Person Work, Dispelled

Employee engagement has reached frightening lows in just about every industry, which understandably has leaders deeply worried and looking for answers to see them through the Great Reshuffle. All of this trouble started, so the logic often goes, when the pandemic...

In a Crisis, Great Leaders Prioritize Listening

How leaders navigate a crisis — big or small — has an enormous influence over the impact that crisis will have on their organization, not to mention the personal impact it will have on the people and leadership of that organization, in its aftermath.  The pandemic — a...

How to Build Real Relationships at Work

Does stepping into the office feel awkward? It might — especially if you’ve been working remotely or find yourself surrounded by more empty desks and chairs than people at work. If anything, the experience can start to feel a lot like the first day at school, but...

Are Your Company’s D&I Efforts Shallow?

Introduction A lack of diversity in the workforce often has systemic and cultural causes — and is therefore not a quick fix. To change this, organizations should measure how effective they are at creating an inclusive culture where all employees feel they can...

Learning at Home: One (of many) learning dilemmas caused by inequality

The fact that schools are open and have adapted to a new, albeit restricted functionality under Covid -19 without any major disruptions in terms of closures or new outbreaks is a testament to the commitment, resilience, and adeptness of our school leaders and...

How to Call Out Racial Injustice at Work

It takes courage to speak up about racial injustice at work. Raising these issues brings risk for anyone — but especially for Black employees. But the authors’ research shows that you can speak up more effectively, and gives five strategies to mitigate those risks: 1)...

Education in the time of Covid-19

Connecting Schools and Communities Something interesting caught my attention when government went into action with the lockdown in the country – 10 000 community health care workers were deployed for mass community–based screenings, referral to clinics for testing,...

Leadership in Times of Covid-19

Essential Qualities, Skills and Practices The role of managers is to keep the trains running on time, to work with what is known and visible, sticking to policies, procedures and plans. But when we face a complex, unpredictable and invisible future, as with Covid-19,...

Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning

Out of concern that the nation’s schools—particularly those working with traditionally underserved populations—are not adequately preparing all students to succeed in college and careers, education policymakers have launched a series of major reform efforts in recent...
4 Myths About In-Person Work, Dispelled

4 Myths About In-Person Work, Dispelled

Employee engagement has reached frightening lows in just about every industry, which understandably has leaders deeply worried and looking for answers to see them through the Great Reshuffle. All of this trouble started, so the logic often goes, when the pandemic...

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In a Crisis, Great Leaders Prioritize Listening

In a Crisis, Great Leaders Prioritize Listening

How leaders navigate a crisis — big or small — has an enormous influence over the impact that crisis will have on their organization, not to mention the personal impact it will have on the people and leadership of that organization, in its aftermath.  The pandemic — a...

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How to Do Hybrid Work Right

How to Do Hybrid Work Right

Complimentary Video Webinar For years, most organizations viewed a physical office as the best place to work. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to reimagine how their employees worked, resulting in an increase in remote work and untraditional hours....

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TED Business: Leadership Podcast

TED Business: Leadership Podcast

Hosted by Modupe Akinola of Columbia Business School, TED Business is one of the best leadership podcasts for anyone striving to overcome challenges in their position. The first half of each show includes a quick TED talk from some of the most influential leadership...

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Talk about Privilege at Work

Talk about Privilege at Work

Privilege does not mean that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and never had to work hard or that you achieved success with no struggle. It simply means that you are likely to have enjoyed certain tailwinds because, based on parts of your demographic makeup, you are in the majority.

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How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams

How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams

COMPANIES SPEND MILLIONS on antibiast raining each year. The goal is to create workforces that are more inclusive, and thereby more innovative and more effective. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed, have higher collective intelligence, and are better at making decisions and solving problems.

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Top Leadership Books To Reach Your Potential in 2022

Top Leadership Books To Reach Your Potential in 2022

Top leadership books in 2022 1. Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader    About the Author Herminia Ibarra is an expert on professional and leadership development. She served as  Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning at INSEAD. And currently, Herminia...

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